Radenka Kolarov

  • Thank u Haris for invited me to join this group.. ^^

  • Jon Q. asked about construction documents for green street work. After mining Portland’s BES site, i found a lot. Very helpful.

  • By the way, it is dumping down rain in Portland right now!

  • Thank you Jason, and everyone else for the welcome into the green streets group. I really am looking forward to discussing the latest thinking with green streets with you all. Going to Kansas City, Missouri for a presentation on Tuesday and Wednesday, but I would like to post some things when I return.

  • Welcome Kevin. It’s great to have you involved with our group. I am a big fan of much of your work which has continued to push the envelope for innovative LID solutions.

    I also wanted to mention that I just recently moved to Seattle to pursue 2 Professional certificate Programs at The University of Washington. One is in Wetland Science and M…[Read more]

  • Welcome Kevin! Thanks Jason for your comments on maintenance. After e-mail chats with many people, the fundamental move is to have regular inspections to look for needed maintenance patterns. I agree that it is a relatively new field for L. archs, and so the phrase “moving target” is apropos for the moment.

  • Kim, I have seen some examples in Charleston, SC that are using some green street technologies such as curbside bioretention and permeable pavers. I would look up Liberty Hills and Oak Terrace Preserve which I believe are both in North Charleston. Here are some pics:

  • Kim Hawkins posted an update in the group Group logo of Green StreetsGreen Streets 15 years, 1 month ago

    Does anyone know of any implemented green streets in the Southeast? We are completing a project in Nashville in the next few weeks and wondering if there are others?

  • Deborah Christman posted an update in the group Group logo of Green StreetsGreen Streets 15 years, 1 month ago

    I am pulling together a maintenance manual for a design studio that wants to install storm water mitigation in its projects. After reading widely, I have noticed that most information has the same maintenance guidelines. I find it difficult to believe that if sedimentation must be cleaned out 4-5 times a year from an in-street planter in Portland,…[Read more]

  • I am looking for some of your best exemples of rain garden project, rain managment etc. I am in a preparation of a seminar and will enjoy to see what is really happening outside my own practice. Please feel free to share informations and projects….

  • Jon Quackenbush posted an update in the group Group logo of Green StreetsGreen Streets 15 years, 7 months ago

    Does anyone know of a good source for construction details for ‘green’ design? I’d like to review these…


  • Ya i defentenly plan on trying to use Bioretention techniques, but this is not a exectly a mitigation techniques it is a stormwater solution, i need some way to extract or mitigate the heavy metals that are with in the soil and water on site, bioretention will help in preventing them to go to the stream but then they are still on site in the soil.

  • Bioretention is a technique that can be used in nearly any environment, including brownfields, as a water quality control. This may be getting too technical for your project, but depending on the amount of on-site contamination, I would recommend that you wrap all of your stormwater BMPs with an impermeable membrane to help control the spread of…[Read more]

  • i am a landscape architecture student working on my senior project, which is a brownfield site ( old glass manufacture), and curious to see if any one had unique design, mitigation techniques and or a case study i should look in to.

  • Larry these look to be very helpful examples of how other municipalities are implementing these strategies. Good case studies. Thanks for sharing.

  • Larry Shaeffer posted an update in the group Group logo of Green StreetsGreen Streets 15 years, 8 months ago

    you might want to check out this useful doc put out by the epa. its a lot of portland stuff but much more.. Larry Shaeffer
    and add to greenstreets links list

    link to Municipal Handbook Green Infrastructure

    Green Infrastructure Municipal Handbook

    The Municipal Handbook is a series…[Read more]

  • Well I’ll be honest, I’m very jealous of what you are able to get approved out on the west coast. As of now we seem to be a bit behind the curve but we’re trying to at least catch up with you.

    The majority of our office work is around the Washington D.C. metropolitan area (including northern VA and Maryland) and each municipality seems to be at…[Read more]

  • Well in Australia they use a broader term Water Sensitive Urban Design, as opposed to LID, which refers to 3 areas of water management (Potable Water, Waste Water and Stormwater) and how my effecting one of these you have the potential to effect the others. For instance, by reusing stormwater to irrigate landscape or flush toilets, we also reduce…[Read more]

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