Voulonteering in NYC

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  • #154837
    Budinski Sanja

    Hi everybody,
    I am presently in NYC, and I have 4 days a week off, so I was wondering, is there any chance for me, as an undergraduate student (I’m at 4th year) of landscape architecture from Serbia to find some kind of job, paid or non paid, something like internship or volunteering in a field of landscape architecture?

    I am trying to fill up my time with an experience while I’m here in USA, and I would do anything that has something to do with LA.

    Does anybody know where could I go, whom could I ask or sign up?

    I would really appreciate any feedback,

    thank you in advance, my Land8 friends!


    Tosh K

    You could try: Central Park Conservancy, NYC Parks & Rec, Friends of Prospect Park, NY ASLA, or any of the big firms. Visa issue may be dicey, but I would think volunteering should be feasible.

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