Virtual Dub with Proper Animation & Smooth Step

Landscape Architecture for Landscape Architects Forums GENERAL DISCUSSION Virtual Dub with Proper Animation & Smooth Step

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  • #155333
    susan streur

    Does anyone have suggestions/tips in converting a SKP with Proper & Smooth Step Animation into Virtual Dub? (A)Frame Rate & Width/Ht for JPEG (I was unsuccessful with importing JPEGS).  Was successful to import into VD with PNG and used Frame Rate of 24 & 4096/2304.  Problem was the resolution was poor and I think I might have lost some attributes to the original file (Proper Anm).  I used ffdshow for video compression and did a force frame of 24 (with convert to fps: 30)…. and video is “full processing mode”.  Thanks for your thoughts/time!

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