Ecological Restoration in the Philadelphia Area

Landscape Architecture for Landscape Architects Forums GENERAL DISCUSSION Ecological Restoration in the Philadelphia Area

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  • #155486
    Jim Haggar

    I am a 3rd year Landscape Architecture student at West Virginia University with a specific interest in learning more about ecological restoration. I have been searching for an internship with an organization in the Philadelphia area that has a specific focus in ecological restoration but have not had much luck thus far. I am looking for any opportunity to surround myself with experienced professionals who possess valuable knowledge that they are willing to pass on.

    I am open to all suggestions and would not be opposed to traveling outside of the Philadelphia area if the opportunity for a valuable experience presented itself. Can anyone help me out?


    Jim Haggar

    Tosh K

    I’d try Andropogon’s consultant/collaborator list…

    Doug Davies

    A little unorthodox but looking into an internship with PWD (Philly Water Department) is a great place. They are doing some truly amazing work with their green infrastructure in the city. Probably the best model in the country right now. 

    Jim Haggar

    Thanks for the help!

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