Land 8 Feature: Bronx Roofpark

Land 8 Feature: Bronx Roofpark
5-Acre Rooftop Farm + Playground, Target Corporate Partnership

Based on a simple rule that every child deserves a safe and healthy space for discovery, play, and education, this project is a place-based solution to child health and education problems located on the roof of a Target store.

Within a 1 mile radius of the site one can find 35,000 students, some of the highest rates of asthma and obesity in the country, and a struggling education system. Yet not one park.

It is an unexpected oasis in an urban desert: a discovery-based playground with 9 densely vegetated hills, a 1/2-mile path, a small farm, and outdoor classrooms. This is a place for community gathering, tearing around on bikes, rolling down hills. Plus an unobstructed view of the Bronx River and Manhattan’s skyline give kids the best views in the ‘hood.

  • 8773-SamanthaDabneyBronxRoofpark

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