
  • Steve Martino posted an update in the group Group logo of MENTORS: WISE and TRUSTED counselors or teachers.MENTORS: WISE and TRUSTED counselors or teachers. 13 years, 3 months ago

    This is my 5th recession, it took me years to recover from the savings & loan crash. i thought i had a safe niche, no more developer or commercial work. i have focused on high-end high design residential and cultural projects which i was sure was recession proof. what do i know? the last few years i could have used a mentor.
    i started a blog thinking it would be a place to share what i have learned over the years but i have gotten so busy the last few months i haven’t had the time to add anything to it. i hope this is a sign the economy is improving in general.
    i had a wonderful mentor who wasn’t a designer, he taught me about the desert and it fantastic plants, in the early 70’s i quit my job in an architects office to be a laborer in his nursery so he couldn’t escape my questions about desert plants.
    i think you could reverse engineer yourself a mentor, say you wished Olmstead or Baragan was your mentor. i’d suggest reading everything you could find, study their work and then ask yourself what would Baragan tell me to do or what would he do w/ this situation. i have done that myself in the past when i became stuck w/ a design problem.

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