
  • Vladimir Sitta posted an update in the group Group logo of COMPETITIONS - ongoingCOMPETITIONS – ongoing 15 years, 5 months ago

    Before you embark on any competition I advise you to check the political context. Bevare of any competition that has politicians as judges. Anglo – saxon countries have tendency to compromise the results and often completely change the outcome.
    One such competition just happened In Sydney (Darling Harbour East) where due to unacceptable meddling of the former prime minister results of the so called international competition were competely wrecked.(There were many overseas entries and jury of local and parochial nobodies with one token French judge) As a frequent entrant I advise anybody not to enter competitions wher the jury is “to be advised”. Respectable juries give the competition credibility although they don’t guarantee the outcome. And yes, many other countries have run scandalous competition (The National Library In Prague being one of examples or Reichstag in Germany where the cupola by 2nd placed Calatrava was appropriated by sir Norman Foster who won with a flat roof) Judging ought to be transparent and the protocol indicating how individual judges voted should be made public. Only then some of the lost trust could be restored. Such protocols are common practice in a number of European countries (Germany for example) Competitions need transparency and not clandestine deals done in secrecy. You have been warned….

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