kavan donohue posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 15 years, 11 months ago
Sketchup doesn’t have the accuracy. It is clumsy in comparison. I have never drawn a vector in 3ds 300,000′ on accident like I have in sketchup. One of the reasons you dont see process drawings in 3ds is that you would have to render them and due to the fact that 3ds is such a fluid process it doesn’t make much sense to do that. The idea that sketchup is loose is in my opinion false as well. Just look at 3ds and the vast number of modifiers. I know about 3/4 of them and it will probably take me a life time to exhaust them. BIM could be something worth getting into and it is seamless with 3ds giving the software even more potential. If you don’t believe me ask Jim Sipes at EDAW and he will certainly enlighten you.