
  • Larry Shaeffer posted an update in the group Group logo of Green StreetsGreen Streets 16 years, 2 months ago

    you might want to check out this useful doc put out by the epa. its a lot of portland stuff but much more.. Larry Shaeffer
    and add to greenstreets links list

    link to Municipal Handbook Green Infrastructure

    Green Infrastructure Municipal Handbook

    The Municipal Handbook is a series of documents to help local officials implement green infrastructure in their communities. Handbook topics cover issues such as financing, operation and maintenance, incentives, designs, codes & ordinances, and a variety of other subjects. The handbook documents are intended to serve as “how to” manuals on these topics, written primarily from the standpoint of municipal implementation. The handbook is being produced in sections, with each new element being released as it is completed.

    Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure Handbook Series

    Green Streets (PDF) (19 pp, 1.8MB) (833-F-08-009) – This chapter evaluates programs and policies used to integrate green infrastructure into public spaces, roads and other transportation networks. The result is often an innovative system that includes a variety design elements such as street trees, permeable pavement, bioretention, and swales. The municipal case studies in this chapter highlight the benefits of greening transportation networks.

    all chapters:
    Funding Options (PDF)

    Retrofit Policies (PDF)

    Green Streets (PDF)

    Rainwater Harvesting Policies (PDF)

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