
  • Cielo posted an update in the group Group logo of Irrigation DesignIrrigation Design 15 years, 10 months ago

    Yes there is merit. I run a design build firm that does some bid build as well. Some of the irrigation ‘designs’ that come out of some other offices that we bid on don’t follow simple irrigation principles and spec antiquated equipment.
    The IA certification (CID) is a good one. I became certified a few years ago. I am always up to date with the latest techniques and equipment available though the ceu’s and through it I also became an epa water sense partner. It is also another chevron on the sleeve and a recognized and accepted distinguishing factor.
    With an ever looming drought It is important to demonstrate/prove to our government and water officials that we are proactively responsible with water recources. And in an increasingly competitive market it is important that we demonstrate/prove to our potential clients the same.
    I am glad to hear that your office has some talented irrigation designers. Not all offices do. I would boast it with certification.


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