
  • MLCC posted an update in the group Group logo of L.A.R.E. - ANYTHING GOESL.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 10 years, 6 months ago

    I don’t recall if you mentioned which section you are taking. But just my 2 cents from my experience (have passed all & now licensed): The earlier the better! That’s too vague tho right?
    For the graphic sections, which are now sections 3 & 4, I started studying about 3 months in advance. For the other 2, I did about 6 weeks – 2 months.Several days a week.
    How ever long you think it might take you, start a little bit earlier than that. Life has a lot of curve balls. A cushion will give you time to: learn more about something you had no idea was on the test and you know nothing about; you could get sick and not be able to study for a week (I got strep throat once while studying); something else could come up in your life that will detract you; etc…… I feel like the whole experience is stressful enough, I wanted my study time to be stress free, and so that I could take my time and no worry about racing against the clock.
    For most people, the content on the exam does not reflect what they do on a daily basis in their jobs. Maybe some of the content, but definitely not all. So chances are you will be studying stuff that you have no idea about. I’ve been working for 15 years. There were things on the test that I have literally never even heard of. So start early, & let your brain take it in slowly and steadily, and you’ll retain it well.
    I hope this helps you!! Keep us posted & feel free to ask more questions. 🙂

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