
  • Matt Mathes PLA posted an update in the group Group logo of L.A.R.E. - ANYTHING GOESL.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 10 years, 7 months ago

    Congrats on starting your LARE Prep effort !
    Yes, with 9 years in the commercial marketplace since 2005, candidates who attend my sessions do recommend the LARE entire book series as very helpful.
    This might help -=in your decision making – Erik Sweet, PLA, ASLA wrote 1 book for Section D (includes Section 3 & 4 content). I wrote 2 books titled Section A (Section 1 content). Also, Glenn Acomb, FASLA wrote a Section C book (Section 3 content) as a faculty member at University of Florida. All three of us are volunteer instructors who use the entire PPI LARE book series in our live LARE review sessions for ASLA Chapters across the US. 
    A long term benefit to buy and also keep your entire PPI book set, in addition to helping you pass?
    Your PPI book series can be placed in a conference room or reception area of your professional office as a concise overview for office visitors (clients, allied professionals, etc.) to verify what you knew at the time of passing LARE when first becoming licensed. 
    You’ll find the LARE PPI books at the Cal Poly library and at CalTrans agency  regional offices where emerging professionals regularly prepare to for LARE in California – perhaps that might compelling.

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