
  • Kathleen S. McQuiggan posted an update in the group Group logo of L.A.R.E. - ANYTHING GOESL.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 14 years, 2 months ago

    I just finished all the LARE exams, and since I am in California I also took and passed the CA exam. I took C and E together and A, B, D together. If you don’t mind studying and are detail oriented it is totally doable. My strategy was to take a lot of practice tests. As many as I could get my hands on. There is a certain way they test, a kind of way of asking questions that once you get the rhythm of, you can make suppositions about what they are looking for. And some questions that I found on study exams were on the tests. I slowly read through much of the text on the train every day, and then I took a bunch of the exams and eventually I even timed myself to make sure I was going fast enough. I failed or almost failed a lot of the early ones but over time you get the hang of it. For the multiple choice I gave myself about a month per each exam to study (45 min on the train most days, then as it got closer I put in time in the evenings and on weekends). The biggest thing is to have a mindset that you cannot fail (or can’t afford to fail, which was my situation). 🙂 
    I know I sound like a big nerd, but I guess it worked.

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