
  • Charles A. Warsinske posted an update in the group Group logo of L.A.R.E. - ANYTHING GOESL.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 14 years, 11 months ago

    What is difficult to understand, and what the passing rates do not reflect, is the number of times a person has taken that section of the exam. For example, the 20 percent of those taking Section B might be taking it for the second or third time. Whether or not taking a section multiple times improves your chances of passing is unknown at least by me. When I was on our Board and was attending CLARB meetings, someone had a statistic that the more someone takes the exam, the less successful they will be in passing it. If this is true, does that say something about the exam or those taking the exam. Brandon’s experience with Section E does not support that statistic.

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