
  • Jordan Lockman posted an update in the group Group logo of L.A.R.E. - ANYTHING GOESL.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago

    I asked CLARB about two things on the redline review.
    A. The extra non-aforementioned fee that raises the price by almost 50%.
    B. The no personal checks.

    They replied with the company line that they need to pay for a room and someone to show us our test. I don’t understand why I can’t just get my redlines mailed to me and it would save the $75 and be more useful. I guess they want the pass/fail rate to remain low. Otherwise we would be allowed to actually learn from our failed tests.
    The personal check thing just confuses me and makes wonder even more. They are going to have 2 whole months from the deadline to sign up for the review and when I get to have a visit with my test.
    I am a little frustrated and I think it is up to everyone that is frustrated now to get involved with the testing process once we have passed. So that CLARB does not keep doing this to the profession.

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