Oona Johnsen posted an update in the group
Pacific Northwest 16 years, 4 months ago
Hi Karen, I wrote a paper on your topic, “The Restoration of a Harvested Thuja plicata/Tsuga heterophylla Forest Ecosystem to Recreate Mature Second Growth with Old-Growth Characteristics and Aesthetic Qualities” I believe you can use native plants in such a way that can achieve a “stunning landscape”. As those who have already stated in this discussion, a question to ask is: What is a stunning landscape to your client? There are many perceptions of landscape and you will never please everyone. I have designed quite a few landscapes in Seattle…I am getting my projects in order on this site slowly. If you keep in touch with me, I can lead you to some photos. I am living in California now and am addressing this same challenge on the California State Univ. Monterey Bay campus.