MsM posted an update in the group
LA Downunder 13 years, 11 months ago
Hi, Im a final year LA student in Queensland. We are currently working with Flood Of Ideas to produce ideas for flood resilience. Details as follows.
FLOOD OF IDEAS aims to provide a public forum to seek the best and the most creative ideas to respond to the threat of flood and natural disaster in the Queensland community
FLOOD OF IDEAS is an initiative of WATER BY DESIGN (Healthy Waterways Partnership) and is being delivered as a partnership between WATER BY DESIGN (Healthy Waterways Partnership) and THE EDGE (State Library of Queensland).The project has on board the following Supporting Partners:- The Healthy Waterways Partnership / Water By Design- The Edge / State Library of Queensland- Brisbane City Council- The University of Queensland- Queensland University of Technology- The Australian Institute of Architects- Green Cross Australia- The Stormwater Industry Association (QLD)[Background]In December 2010 and January 2011, many Queenslanders were confronted with disastrous flooding that damaged their homes, devastated their communities and tragically, lead to the loss of life. For many citizens this was their first experience of the ferocity of flooding in their communities. For others, this event was reminiscent of the Queensland floods of 1974. Following the 1974 floods, as a community we learnt a lot and initiated some important changes to better prepare us for future floods. Unfortunately, it would now appear that in the following thirty-six years we also lost a lot of good thinking from that time.[Aims]FLOOD OF IDEAS aims to allow everyone to take part in a conversation that might help us be better prepared for future floods. Almost everyone we meet, who has been through the floods has an idea for how we can design a better flood response. We are asking you, as well as planners, engineers, urban designers, architects, scientists and artists to propose flood response ideas. These can be at the scale of the city down to the scale of a house. They can be infrastructure solutions or new policy ideas. We would like to draw on the wisdom of those who have long experience of living with disasters and call on fresh ideas from students and the young.The project aims to provide a public forum to seek the best and the most creative ideas to respond to the threat of flood and natural disaster in our community.