
  • Jason Bennink posted an update in the group Group logo of Xerophytic LandscapesXerophytic Landscapes 15 years, 3 months ago

    Just a thought from Soil Science perspective on reducing the water requirements for any plant. Use lots of organic material and or peat moss around the plant,(not too much) and surround other areas with sand. Make sure the drip is going on the water holding material. Sand has the lowest affinity for water while clay has the highest and organic material falls somewhere in between. Even using this type of material under a lawn with sand underneath of it(if you don’t water enough for percolation to the sand) would save water because the water is being held in the soil around the plant and not being pulled on by a soil type with a higher water affinity.

    Some plants(cactus) may not like being put in this type of material, and during periods of prolonged moisture, could be susceptible to pathogens. This concept contrasts with the common planting techniques of thoroughly mixing soil around plants but to save water it could be worth it. By the way this will not likely work in a predominately clay soil but may be useful in sandy or gravely soils.

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