Michelle Derviss posted an update in the group
Residential Design Group 16 years ago
Not all well healed clients speak the language of art or architecture.
If you use stories to relate your design charrettes then you have to speak to them in a language that they understand.
If your client is a doctor use medical metaphors. In essence you are meeting your client at a level that they feel comfortable and knowledgeable in.In my practice I rely heavily on story boards.
I learned this process while working part time in an interior decorating office while putting myself through college.The story boards have perspective sketches of the clients site, the various materials proposed ( stone , tile, metal samples and photos ) and their color ranges, and some budgetary information.
I am usually able to create an air of excitement for the project which in turn makes the client confident in choosing a more innovative and out of the box design concept.
I wrote a little photo essay on my process on my blog that you might find interesting.
http://deviantdeziner.blogspot.com/Stay creative,