Are Green Walls “worth it”?

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  • #152916
    Rob Halpern
    Goustan BODIN

    I’d have liked to see more numbers from that study…

    But like they said, this is cost based only and does not take into account other benefits (whether these are as important as some would like to believe is another story) : health, comfort, fun, aesthetics…

    Rob Halpern

    And those “intangibles” are, IMO, the real reason to do a green wall. It is a mistake to sell them as sustainable or environmental or “green.” They are.mostly just… pretty

    Ioana Mircea

    I have read the study and I found it interesting, especially since last year I made one myself that weighed the cost and benefits of “greening” a wide area in a very mineral neighborhood, filled with huge blocks of flats made of concrete and glass. And i have to agree with you partially. On a small scale, the costs may outway the benefits, but on a larger scale, it tilts towards the benefits. On the other hand, green roofs and walls are still considered luxury items, thus, for the moment, the expenses don’t reflect the real market value, but are pretty buffed up. In the company I work for example, we managed to build – and soon patent- our own system for green walls and the whole investment for 1sqm is 50% less than in most European countries. I am very happy someone finally made an objective study on this and i hope it will impact the market accordingly. Good luck in your future work!

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