Have you ever seen Artificial Rock that you had a hard time believing that it was made
out of concrete or foam ? I get this kind of comment very often when people see high
end rock formations built from mold’s off a real rock. The coloring process is about the
most importaint part of the overall scope of work, yet if the rockwork fails to have that
“Geologically correct” look that alot of “Faux or Fake” rock has out there then even the
best of color methods can’t cover up ugly…
There are many levels of talent in this industry, you see it in Zoo’s and in your friends
backyard. Have you ever been fooled by an artificial rock that has all of the correct
pieces of the puzzle scale, mass, texture, location, color ? I believe that Artificial rock
has gotten a bad rap due to the lack of knowledge in geology and flat out construction
skills that should be taught to every “Rockman” before they make your backyard look
like Fred Flintstones house. The old rebar and lath system is such a great way to be
sure of a failure, rust and delamination let alone the ever present white efflourence I
have seen from California to Florida and even in Canada. Most companies tell there
clients that it can’t be helped and that it just happens. Update your technology is what
I say to those Rock builders. http://WWW.ADVANCEDART101.COM