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  • #165656
    Jessica Andersen

    I am conducting a short research study regarding the use of BIM in the landscape architecture industry.  If you would be willing to take 5 minutes of your time to complete this survey it would be very helpful.


    Dipti Trivedi


    Do you mind sharing survey results? My company is A/E firm and architects are already using BIM. Our landscape architecture studio is considering going BIM route but not sure what industry is doing. It will be very helpful if you can share the survey results with me.

    Thank you.


    Hans Klein-Hewett

    I agree – have you received enough feed back so you can share the results? Our company is looking into what’s happening “next” and this could help us make some informed decisions.

    Tosh K

    Any conclusions?  Findings?

     In my experience Revit is stills mostly 2D data entry with 3D information (you don’t build 3D models as in Rhino, Microstation, FormZ, sketchUp, etc); Civil 3D is lines with data associated with it and is terrible at terrain modeling (anything none-rectilinear is low quality and geometrically primitive); Land F/X is fine for objects, planting and irrigation but doesn’t account for rigorous 3D walls and earthwork very well.  I’m under the impression that VectorWorks is the most complete of the currently available software, but jumping to a Mac platform is a big jump (money and adjustment).

    Terrain/Vertical modeling in Rhino, importing that surface/vertical elements into Civil 3D for earthwork/runoff work, optional Land F/X for planting and irrigation and Revit for full database integration (leave it to the architects on the team) seems a costly option in terms of licenses and software training; has anyone found better workflow that maintains the modeling rigor while cutting on cost?

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