Bockholt Landscape Architecture Website up and running

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  • #155937

    Check it out at: and let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions


    Hello seth,

    I tried viewing your website on my my android phone and it was a mess. The tabs on the left side covered a a lot of the text. When held vertically the body text wasn’t visible. When rotated horizontally it was better but the tabs still covered a lot of the text. What’s that logo about?

    I may like the website a lot from my desktop but so much search is done from mobile platforms now and this just didn’t work on my android running chrome.

    Does anyone else have any comments or experiences viewing the website with a mobile phone?



    The difference on desktop vs. mobile is startling.  The interface has a lot going on and is perhaps too busy with the tabs on the left and clicked text showing up on the right but I believe this shows your style and like it a lot.  I would suggest removing client names and addresses on the residential section and instead use Private Residence and list the town.  Do you have client permission to list their name and address?? 

    Otherwise it’s much better! 


    Our company network wouldn’t let me view.  Apparent security risk.  🙁


    Thanks guys. I have a lot of work to do on the mobile version still. Its good to know about the security thing. I think I still have to get an ssl certificate but I have put it on the back burner because I’m not selling products. Gerrit, I know the Mobile version on phones is horrible. I had a mobile version that really dumbed down everything and was easier to navigate but it kept that same dumbed down stuff on tablets. I didnt like that so I just got rid of my mobile version so the site would atleast appear like i wanted it to on I-pads and stuff. Its really difficult to find a decent mobile app that does’t look like crap. And I havent figured out how to allow the regular version to still come up on a tablet or I-pad.

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