An easy way to spread the word about our profession during National
Landscape Architecture Month (April) is through donating the new book
“Becoming a Landscape Architect: A Guide to Careers in Design” to local
schools and/or libraries. If you do, also consider doing a press
release to highlight your work/practice, the profession and say a bit
about the book, such as:
The book includes interviews with more than 50 noted professionals and several current graduate and undergraduate students. Individuals from across the U.S. and Mexico are featured. Those interviewed
come from all sectors of landscape architectural practice. They share
their work and philosophy, why they got into landscape architecture,
and what they believe the future holds for the profession, among other
The book also includes tips on the job search process and outlines a positive forecast for the profession’s future.
If you are going to a school for a presentation, you could leave
behind a copy of the book for the library, teacher or a guidance
counselor. Below is a link for the book on Amazon.
The PA-DE Chapter ASLA has purchased 100 copies for their sections to give out to targeted schools during April. The book just received the PA-DE
Chapter ASLA 2010 President’s Award of Excellence in Communication.