I feel sure there was a similar thread when the site was younger but, at the risk of repetition, aren’t we made by all we read and see and isn’t Swallows and Amazons, or Wind in The Willows, or Heidi, or Kim even, as important to us as a person as the pro books? It is even interesting and inspirational, for me anyway, to see invented landscapes in video games and older real ones, as the artist saw them, in paintings. In Constable’s Hay Wain, for instance, there are more trees by that river now than in the picture and flowers are not picked from the roadside, if only because people don’t stop their cars. I don’t mean to detract from rules and regs., or deprive any author of a living, but none of them can match the inherent fibonacchi series spiral at the centre of a single daisy or on a snail.