jokes about landscape architects

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  • #172698
    Trace One

    just for a change of tone..anybody know any good jokes about LA’s?


    how do you know when there’s a landscape architect in the room?

    ….They already told you.

    Trace One

    thanks, Nick, good one! Poor andrew spierling must see it all over and over – I didn’t realize a discussion on this had already occurred in February of this year, and there is a network site on Landscape Jokes also, under Networking…oh, well, seemed like a good idea..

    My favorite joke is the one about whether god is a civil engineer, an electrical engineer, or a mechanical engineer..I think it is a bit too raunchy for this site, besides not being about LA’s!

    Michael G. Cluer

    you know, you are really grading my drainage.

    Les Ballard

    The joke used to feature an engineer, an artist and an architect – the consensus of those in the pub each of the said professions arguing for their own side mainly – was that God must be an architect to design a woman as who else would site the sewer outlet next to the fun factory. I always wondered if a freemason invented the joke as, of course, they call the supernal being the great architect.

    By the way, this is not that risque here but trust mine host to change or delete the post as they feel appropriate.

    Luv n Lite

    Les Ballard

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