LA in Madrid & Grenada

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  • #169955
    Bev Windjack

    Some of my family are heading to Madrid & Grenada for a few weeks at the end of May & wondered what the ‘must see’ sites would be for a family interested in design? (we are an architect, landscape architect & student landscape architect).  Never been to Spain before.

    Andrew Spiering

    Hi Bev,

    Sounds like a fun trip! Definitely check out the Alhambra in Grenada. A must see!

    Jenn Rogers

    If you have time go to Retiro Park in Madrid, it seems like Madrid’s “Central Park”, and most of the museums are close by. There is also a Patrick Blanc Greenwall that is worth visiting near the Museo Prado. The Atocha Train Station is an amazing structure and it’s full of tropical plants–a great place to stop and have some coffee. Have fun!

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