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  • #177630
    Kevin J. Gaughan

    So, I have a two part question. First of all, I just want to see how many of you guys read Landscape Architecture Magazine? I would call myself a pretty avid reader…I don’t always read it cover to cover, but I always try to at least read the “land matters” article and skim through some of the featured projects (reading more if anything looks interesting).

    Second, for those of you who do read LAM, how did you feel about this last issue…more specifically the cover picture and cover article? I have to be honest and say I was not very impressed. With all of the projects out there…I am a little confused how this one got on the cover of our professions ONLY news stand magazine.

    Andrew Spiering

    Likewise. I was completely underwhelmed. The cover shot isn’t so bad, but the article and featured photos were sloppy. I did, however, enjoy reading the articles on Union Square. If you didn’t catch the last article located on the very last page, MD Fotheringham supported the success of Union Square based on data he collected over a 6 month period.

    Kevin J. Gaughan

    I have not read that article yet…but it sounds interesting. ill have to check that out.

    Deborah Christman

    I am also an avid reader. i have this rather bizarre thing about HAVING to read every page. I guess I am insecure about missing something that might be important. This last LAM was a bit incongruous for me. I haven’t caught up to reading this issue from cover to cover yet. But at first glance, I felt that it was ho-hum. And the article was ho-hum. Still, not as controversial as Martha’s tongue-in-cheek bagel landscape. I also read Topos. Love it; love the international commentary. Though am feeling a bit guilty having it sent via boat overseas. Deborah Christman

    Tandin Wangmo

    I subscribe to it and read it cover to cover…. and love it. However, I haven’t read, not even touched the current one with all my finals this past month.

    Ryland Fox

    I agree with Brian Ray, it catches the eye. And as it is, as stated, it is our only newsstand magazine soI guess they want it to attract a broader customer base than just LA’s.

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