TX ASLA-Houston/Gulf Coast Section is hosting a one-day LARE review workshop in Houston on May 14, 2011.This workshop will be a one day review of the Design (Section C) and Grading (Section E) vignettes.
The workshop presenter will be Mr. Sadik Artunc, FASLA. Mr. Artunc is currently the Department Head of the Landscape Architecture program at Mississippi State University. He also spent many years teaching at LSU before his assuming his current post at MSU. Mr. Artunc has been teaching LARE prep courses for many years and has developed an intensive review program that focuses not only on the technical aspects of each test section, but tips and techniques vital to understanding and passing the exam.
The cost of the one day workshop will be $150. The workshop will begin promptly at 8am and run until 6pm. Breakfast, lunch, and drinks are included in the cost of registration. Additionally, testing materials and study resources will provided to each paid participant. Example vignettes will be provided at the workshop. However, each participant needs to provide his/her own test taking supplies (scales, pencils, tracing paper, calculator, etc).
Space is limited and there are only a few spots left! A $75 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your slot. The remaining $75 dollars can be paid the day of the review.
Contact Elizabeth Renton at elizabeth@asakurarobinson.com for payment information, details about the event or to RSVP.