RFQ/RFP’s-Where do you find them?

Landscape Architecture for Landscape Architects Forums PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE RFQ/RFP’s-Where do you find them?

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  • #160450
    Jeff McLane

    We are branching out into public work. Do those of you who do it register with every municipal agency, have a source that consolidates and publishes RFQ/RFP’s,Subscribe to buisness journals etc? We are finding most of what we can find is outdated by a few months at least, and are hard pressed to get in the pipeline for new design RFQ/RFP’s. Any feedback would be great.




    Scott Lebsack

    I realize this is an older post, but thought I’d offer my suggestions. Generally state laws require RFP/RFQ be “published”, this means you can find them in the legal sections of local newspapers. I check the local newspaper’s website as well as the websites of the agencies themselves directly.

    The easier way I’ve discovered is to get involved with government on a local level. I live in a small town, and figured with my education/background I could be a helpful member of the city Planning and Zoning Commission. I started this position over a year ago, when I worked out of town. Since being laid-off in February, the relationships I’ve developed volunteering have helped immensely. I have good working relationships with the other members of the board, usually involved members of the community in various capacities, as well as the city staffers overseeing P&Z. It is amazing how often local officials network with their counterparts in other agencies, and being familiar with them they know I am always looking for work, I generally hear if anything I might be interested in is going on nearly anywhere in the vicinity. 

    Rob Halpern

    There are any number of web sites, subscription based, where state, federal and municipal rfp’s are listed. I have not found one that has everything… I usually check three or four different ones when I’m in the mood.





    You can search without a subscription, but you can’t see the details. Often a Google search on the name of the rfp will lead you to the details elsewhere

    Jeff McLane

    Thanks Scott and Rob. I appreciate the feedback and your taking the time to respond.

    Jessica Hawn

    Jeff –

    I do a search about once a week by going to the various City websites for the communities we’re near by. I search within each site, or look for a bid/RFP menu somewhere. Then I bookmark the actual RFP advertisement page so it only takes a few minutes to browse through them all.

    I find that’s a pretty decent approach to keep your eye on local municipal work. Hope it helps!


    Jeff McLane

    Hi Jessica,

    I am starting that very process. Thanks for the suggestion.

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