Study the interior before the exterior?

Landscape Architecture for Landscape Architects Forums GENERAL DISCUSSION Study the interior before the exterior?

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  • #151929

    Hello all!

    Me and one of my friend were looking at doing a course each in interior design. She was looking at doing the Cert in interior decoration and I was looking at doing a Diploma in interior design.My question is, do you guys reckon having a Diploma in interior design could help get into uni to study Landscape architecture? And if so would It there be any benefits from doing it? The Diploma costs $30,000 (AUD) so it’s not a light decision to make but if it was to be helpful to me becoming a landscape architect then so be it. I should probably also mention that I have a passion for interior designing as well… Oh and I live in Australia as well if that’s relevant.

    Thanks! 🙂

    Leslie B Wagle

    I thought this was up a few days ago, maybe not. Anyway I think many of the “regulars” here are based in the U.S. and they may be be hesitant to steer you wrong on how those themes would interact in another educational environment. But I think it’s fairly safe to say that here, no… the path you mention would not yield any time saved. Perhaps some very basic drafting or design “principles” courses might transfer, as well as non-major subjects like basic professional writing and college level math. But it would be better to sort out what you want to do early on and go to the school that provides it. Visit offices and read about the work of each before deciding. But there’s nothing wrong with taking some electives to deepen your understanding of how allied fields connect on large projects if you have the time to allow for that in your main chosen curriculum.

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