LDS Landscape Architects

  • Justin R. Bell posted an update in the group Group logo of LDS Landscape ArchitectsLDS Landscape Architects 14 years ago

    So, I need some help with some research.  I am interested in community development and revitalization.  Anyone have some suggestions as far as books, journals, etc?

  • Chad Kennedy posted an update in the group Group logo of LDS Landscape ArchitectsLDS Landscape Architects 15 years ago

    Thanks for sharing Gabriel. Great message! Hope all is well up North.

  • Gabriel Hydrick posted an update in the group Group logo of LDS Landscape ArchitectsLDS Landscape Architects 16 years ago

    I created a link in the comment below but isn’t working for some reason. You can catch the album I created under my profile.

  • Gabriel Hydrick posted an update in the group Group logo of LDS Landscape ArchitectsLDS Landscape Architects 16 years ago

    Great idea Vance. Here is a link to an album I created, per your idea, of photos I have taken of the temple in my area. The Sacramento California Temple. Design Workshop was the Landscape Architect firm. Also, feel free to wander the grounds of any temples in your area or travels. Occasionally there are open houses where the public can tour the…[Read more]

  • Vance W. Hall posted an update in the group Group logo of LDS Landscape ArchitectsLDS Landscape Architects 16 years ago



  • I served in Poland from 99-01, and personally no one place made an impact on my design, but rather the entire European style. It was the first time I lived in a place that had the typical European streetscape of a business on the 1st floor and residences for the next 3 or 4 on top of the business. Something so simple, but growing up in MO you…[Read more]

  • Vance W. Hall posted an update in the group Group logo of LDS Landscape ArchitectsLDS Landscape Architects 16 years ago

    I am not LDS, but would love to hear of any experiences that you may have had or places you saw on your missions that affected the way that you design or that inspired you. Also if you have pictures of the temples and the ground from around the world please add them to an album and post so that we enjoy them.


  • Gabriel Hydrick posted an update in the group Group logo of LDS Landscape ArchitectsLDS Landscape Architects 16 years ago

    I did hear about it! I don’t know who is going to design the temple but I hope they rely on the beautiful and rich history and architecture for inspiration. Can’t wait to see the finished product! If you end up getting an inside scoop on any details let us know. A good friend of mine designed the Sacramento Temple, I got to see it go through the…[Read more]

  • Landon Davidson posted an update in the group Group logo of LDS Landscape ArchitectsLDS Landscape Architects 16 years ago

    Anyone hear about the temple to be built in Rome? It’s great to finally see a temple going into the Catholic stronghold. Any Ideas who is doing the Temple grounds? I would love a crack at it.

  • Landon Davidson posted an update in the group Group logo of LDS Landscape ArchitectsLDS Landscape Architects 17 years ago

    I think that the temple square complex is one of my favorites. Growing up in utah made it and easy one to visit. because its at church headquarters it recieves a lot of visitors and thus a bigger buget. I also like nauvoo. With nauvoo I really like the historical feel of the place but my one complaint is that it feels and looks like an abandoned…[Read more]

  • Gabriel Hydrick posted an update in the group Group logo of LDS Landscape ArchitectsLDS Landscape Architects 17 years ago

    What are some of your favorite church sites? why?

  • Gabriel Hydrick posted an update in the group Group logo of LDS Landscape ArchitectsLDS Landscape Architects 17 years ago

    I agree with you. The grounds are always nice and impressive however (from pictures I have seen) it looks like they lack cultural flavor. I think the grounds should be unique to the region/country reflect the culture more, become a gaurdian of identity. Much like they do with the architecture. I hope to do some temple design as well. I…[Read more]

  • Landon Davidson posted an update in the group Group logo of LDS Landscape ArchitectsLDS Landscape Architects 17 years ago

    I would like to one day design the temple grounds for a new temple. I think that it would be an interesting challenge to make the grounds have the same effect on patrons as the interiors do. The grounds that I have seen certainly do justice to the buildings their complimenting but I would really like to see If I could take the grounds to the next…[Read more]

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