
Kona Gray | Design Thinking – Utilizing Hand Graphics to Explore Ideas [Webinar]

kona webinar


Drawing is a form of communication that builds community and bridges culture. The intent of the presentation is to initiate a dialogue regarding the importance of hand sketching to explore ideas. From the earliest days, humans have relied on illustrations, hieroglyphs and diagrams to communicate important aspects of life. The ability to draw is essential for non-verbally communication and it contributes to social understanding. However, drawing well does not always equate to good communication or even good design. So, how important is drawing in the process of design. Does drawing matter? In my opinion Drawing Really Matters. We will challenge what it means to be a designer and the attributes of a good designer in our context of illustrating ideas. To be clear, this is not about just learning how to draw…but using graphics representation to stretch your creative energy. So, let’s go forward and explore ideas that positively contribute to the good life.

This webinar is from the Land8 Virtual Conference sponsored by Anova Furnishings, recorded on April 20, 2020.


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