Aaron Morley

  • Webinar was really great – nice mix of refresher and new info. So helpful to keep up to date on materials and processes and see through Jim’s crystal ball into the future.

  • Tim Oliver posted an update in the group Group logo of Drawing ShortcutsDrawing Shortcuts 13 years, 11 months ago

    Great webinar last night, Jim!  Looking forward to part 2 next week!

  • What does everyone think about green roofs in the desert? Specifically the Mojave Desert? Given how much energy costs these days, would they not be beneficial? Or would the cost of having to irrigate them (which you would have to in the desert) be worth it?

  • If any of you are near the San Francisco Bay Area, we have a great presentation coming up on Residential Roof Gardens sponsored by the Association of Professional Landscape Designers. Click the link for details…

  • Please use this area for general comments only. If you have specific questions, please use the group’s discussion forum.


  • I am planning to do 3 different types of grow wall in one of my project in Bangalore, India.

  • Hi ,I’m thinking to do the out-door feature wall in my project in china the size around 7m/long by 3.5m/high but the planting guy said that gonna take a year to green it by the plant , Anyway can make it faster and low maintenance?

  • Kirsten posted an update in the group Group logo of Living Roofs and WallsLiving Roofs and Walls 14 years, 7 months ago

    Hi. I’m going to build a green wall using felt as part of my student entry at the International Ellerslie Flower Show in NZ in March 2010. Any advice?

  • Here in india, i do not think how much points or requiremrnt is fulfilled as per LEED USA, but green building is done in india on based on india green building council .
    explain more about your projects about commerical/ factory/ park /residentials.

  • Does anybody have any experience with LEED projects in India? We are working on a possible LEED ND project in Tamil Nadu and I’m not sure how some of the US requirements will transfer over there. Is the USGBC pretty amenable to adjusting the prerequisites based on differences in infrastructure systems?

  • Our office has done several green roofs and are now working on a project where I want to do both green roofs and green walls. I have a pretty good handle on the roofs, but have been having a tough time getting the green wall people to respond with samples of their products. I have offered to buy the samples but so far they have not responded. I’m…[Read more]

  • Ahmad Ali Al-Gilani posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 14 years, 10 months ago

    Dear All,

    I am looking for Landscape Archiyects for my office in Jeddah- Saudi Arabia, if you or some one you know interested please send your Cv to : aa.algilani@gmail.com
    Salary based on experiance, benifits include, housing allowancw, helth insurance, and transportation. please forwared to those who might be interested, new graduates and those…[Read more]

  • landplanner posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years ago

    Anyway we can get some quick sketch technique (marker, colored pencil, pastel etc) and rendering tutorials on here ?

  • nca posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years ago


    you bring up a good point..atmosphere is difficult to convey in hand drawn work. all I can think of at the moment is airbrush..

  • Dean Hill, ASLA posted an update in the group Group logo of Living Roofs and WallsLiving Roofs and Walls 15 years ago

    Hello…I am here to be a resource, how can I help you?


  • Tim Zhang posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years ago

    anyone know the best way to convey “god rays” in drawn perspectives? thanks

  • Thank you Eric for your feedback – invaluable information since many have been asking about the LEED GA exam.

  • Just sat for the GA Exam and passed on the first attempt. It’s definitely distilled down from the old version of the exams. From my perspective the LEED GA is a great credential for LAs to have the distinction, but without having to go through the specialty portions that are beyond our typical work. Sustainable Sites is where I’m placing my emphasis.

  • That’s fantastic to know USGBC is taking SiTES seriously. Alot of fellow designers have been very concerned about how SITES and LEED will integrate or if any integration will take place at all!?!?! There are so many great things about SITES that it would be a shame for LEED to miss. Thanks for the note, Heather!

  • Hey Folks! Just a quick note to say hello and introduce myself. After completing the 2009 report, I resigned as project manager of the Sustainable Sites Initiative to pursue other opportunities and spend more time with my 7 month old son. I am currently working with the USGBC as a subject matter expert to incorporate portions of the Sustainable…[Read more]

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