Abdulkader A. Al-Gilani posted an update in the group LA. Dept. at KAU Alumni Group 15 years, 6 months ago
Abdulkader A. Al-Gilani posted an update in the group LA. Dept. at KAU Alumni Group 16 years, 4 months ago
Hello Ahmad and welcome to the group. I hope the time will come when we will have a good number to start holdong social, and environmental activities.
Abdulkader A. Al-Gilani posted an update in the group LA. Dept. at KAU Alumni Group 16 years, 5 months ago
Dr. Hamdi, welcome.
One of waheeb’s cgs is already on my folio. I asked him yesterday to convert some into jpg format and reduce res. I also aske Bogus for the same thing and to spread the thought among his classmates -
Abdulkader A. Al-Gilani posted an update in the group Middle East Landscape 16 years, 5 months ago
I am posting this for the sake of sharing knowledge. This might me the most comprehensive encyclopedia of native plants in Saudi Arabia.
An Illustrated Guide to the Flowers of Saudi Arabia. By Sheila Colenette.
Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Flora Publication no. 1.
Scorpion Publishing Ltd.,…[Read more]