Alazar G Ejigu posted an update in the group
APULA – research school for A.rchitecture and P.lanning for the U.rban LA.ndscape 15 years, 11 months ago
The Nordic Association for Architectural Research and the Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art, NTNU, are looking forward to arranging an international conference on the subject ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH AND ARCHITECTURAL CRITICISM in Trondheim, Norway 23-25 April 2009. Architecture is a cultural expression that to a great extent influences both public and private space. Thereby, in an important way, it creates possibilities and limitations to how people can live their lives. A critical discussion of the quality of architecture is vital to enable the creation of surroundings that give life the best possibilities to unfold and develop. Even if it already exists a public critique of architecture, this has not by far the scope that is necessary to reach this goal. The professional or academic foundations of architectural critique vary a lot as well. Consequently, one question that rises from the point of view of research in architecture, is whether research may contribute to create criticism with a more solid foundation. Consequently, the title and the topic of the conference is ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH AND ARCHITECTURAL CRITICISM. We will not deal with architectural criticism as such, but with the relationship between research and criticism, in other words how research may contribute to criticism and what criticism may offer research. — Conference e-mail: Conference url: