Page Huyette posted an update in the group
Portfolios and Resumes – Design Strategies 13 years, 7 months ago
@ Peter Coyle. Regarding the pdf portfolio you uploaded to this wall, here are my comments on layout.
Cover page: clean layout but a missed opportunity to immediately showcase your skills. Consider some of your images as a semi-transparent background, or a small thumbnail strategically placed. Re-format the cover to landscape orientation so…[Read more] -
MV posted an update in the group
SketchUp 13 years, 7 months ago
Hy everybody¡¡ what about the shaderlight ?
Carl Thomas posted an update in the group
Asia Landscape 13 years, 7 months ago
Hi All,
I am the UK’s leading recruiter for landscape architects. I will soon be opening a new office in HK. I am interested in developing professional relationships with landscape architects in HK / China. I will be in HK 8th – 18th August. If anyone would like to meet please let me know.
Carl Thomas (carl@huntblue.com) -
Page Huyette posted an update in the group
Portfolios and Resumes – Design Strategies 13 years, 7 months ago
Update! I’ve just added an 8-week online portfolio e-blast course for professionals along with my regular 16-week course. It is a condensed version of the traditional course for those of you wanting to get your personal portfolio website out there fast!
All the info and registration materials are here.
16-week course starts A…[
Peter Coyle posted an update in the group
Portfolios and Resumes – Design Strategies 13 years, 7 months ago
Hi! I also would love anyone to review my attached portfolio and offer any critiques! NB: this is a low resolution copy for upload size reasons, so smaller text is illegible (focusing on general content/layout). Thanks in advance for any comments!
PeterCoylePortfolio01.pdf -
Charles Cobble posted an update in the group
Asia Landscape 13 years, 7 months ago
I am Charles Cobble recently returned to Shanghai from a year or so in Abu Dhabi. It is good to be back home. I look forward to learning more about not only the design of landscape in Asia but also the business of it as well. I hope you all are as busy as you want to be. -
HUSSEIN KIWAN posted an update in the group
SketchUp 13 years, 7 months ago
Dear Zach,,,,Thank you very much for such valuable information,,,one more question ,,,Is there are many differences between the free version and payable one ?,,,,best regards,,,,kiwan
Zach Watson posted an update in the group
SketchUp 13 years, 7 months ago
In regards to the first comment about the program operating very slow, I would guess that either there are so many objects in the file that it is making the program run slow, or hardware on your computer such as your CPU and/or your Memory are not fast enough for the program. In regards to the CAD to Sketchup, Google removed that option in the…[Read more]
HUSSEIN KIWAN posted an update in the group
SketchUp 13 years, 7 months ago
Dears,,,,I am facing problem in sketch up 8,,,in moving cursor ,,,,and very slow,,,to rotate or flipping the models ,,is this problem cause i am using free version ,,,and i can not to import the CAD,s FILES ,,,,,PLZ ADVICE ,,,
Steven Bauer posted an update in the group
SketchUp 13 years, 8 months ago
I like the Dynascape SketchUP. Is the Dynascape easy to work with using their SketchUP landscape SketchUP plant materials? -
Frank Varro posted an update in the group
SketchUp 13 years, 8 months ago
Looking good as always Daniel! My only complaint is the people, in that I hate them, in that I don’t have them. I’ll send you some of my newer stuff today to see what you think.
Craig T posted an update in the group
SketchUp 13 years, 8 months ago
What rendering tool did you use for that model?
Craig T posted an update in the group
SketchUp 13 years, 8 months ago
Does anyone have an opinion about the value of Dynascape for SketchUp – the plant library in particular?
Jay Lee posted an update in the group
Asia Landscape 13 years, 9 months ago
Hello, i am Jay from New york and currently is looking for senior LA to join my beijing studio. if you or some one you know interested please send your resume+portfolia to : site.architect@gmail.comThanks
Jay Lee, RLA -
Cendra Ramirez posted an update in the group
SketchUp 13 years, 10 months ago
Hey Daniel – I have a quick (hopefully) question. I tried to create a shade structure, but I can’t seem to figure out how to control the direction the fabric is taking. On the attached SU file, I would like the fabric to have a downward curve (showing the gravity) and instead I have an upward curve. Is there a quick way of changing the curve……[Read more]
Jessie He Hong posted an update in the group
Asia Landscape 13 years, 10 months ago
any intern offer in Shanghai this summer? need to find on…HELP..!
Arnot Nooroso posted an update in the group
Asia Landscape 14 years ago
Dear , All
Hello Landscaper all the world ,I’m joined with Asian Landscape,I want more
to know China Landscape , because has a lot of traditional Garden. -
Wyatt Thompson, PLA posted an update in the group
SketchUp 14 years ago
Hey Dave. One way would be to map appropriate landform/vegetation/sky images to a curved background similar to these at SCF. You could also do a search for sky dome at SCF or in the 3D Warehouse. If you intend to fly right up to the edge of the TIN, you might also need to extend the surface out a ways to meet at the image. By matching the…[Read more]
Dave Breiter posted an update in the group
SketchUp 14 years ago
I am working on an animated fly-through of an airport. I have a tin of the actual terrain and have added my 3D model of the airport to the tin. My question for the group is, what do I do to eliminate “the earth is flat” look of my animation. My terrain tin extends in a two mile radius from the airport. I thought about putting a sky/horizon image…[Read more]
Wyatt Thompson, PLA posted an update in the group
SketchUp 14 years ago
You could also try the Shapebender script by Chris Fullmer. It can be a little complicated to figure out at first, but once you understand what it’s doing, it becomes pretty easy to manipulate. Chris has produced several videos (also posted at the above link) that help explain. If you have questions after watching those I’ll do my best to help.
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