Ryland Fox posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 14 years, 10 months ago
I like the Luxigon style where pretty much everything but the basic render is done in photoshop. but if you can get onyx Treestorm which comes with a grass generator and and a lot of trees that can be changed and there is a free ivy generator that I posted somewhere on here but I can’t remember the name.
Most people just seem to get the…[Read more]
Brad Nordling posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 14 years, 10 months ago
never mind, found the tutorial
Brad Nordling posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 14 years, 10 months ago
I REALLY like the itoosoft, wish the full version was free though so I could use some of my own images. Still working on the shadows though…
howl posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 14 years, 10 months ago
I got the same question with Alexandru, I’v been told to use photoshop do the aftereffect of vegetation for plan or the cluster of trees and grasses in 3dmax would drag my laptop to work exemely slowly.Is there any good suggestion for the plugin programmes to create vivid planting elements in 3d max?
Ryland Fox posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 14 years, 11 months ago
I believe it is a Nvidia 280 GTM, middle of the range but still better than the one on my old computer that ran max 2010 quite well. i7, 8 gigs of ram. Having some photoshop problems too. pretty much everything is frames per second related, it makes zooming and moving things around so hard.
Lee Attinger posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 14 years, 11 months ago
My experience with 3ds max 2010 on Windows 7 Enterprise x64 has been very good. Its certainly a huge step up from Vista. I’ve got a nice set of graphics cards though so maybe thats the difference. What kind of hardware are you running?
Ryland Fox posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 14 years, 11 months ago
So what are people’s experiences with windows 7 and max? I am running 7 professional 64bit and max 2010 64 bit and having some problems, mainly graphics card related. very low fps which is making it hard to model. though I am hoping that max 2011 which comes out in the next month will help.
Joanna Spiez posted an update in the group
3ds max + landscape architecture 14 years, 11 months ago
Fabio Torlai posted an update in the group
Design Technology 15 years ago
These renders took about 25 minutes, 150 dpi, 2000 pixels in the bigger side, I used the “Final” preset.
Later on I discovered some other option under the atmosphere editor menu, activating global radiosity gives a new fell to the renders. I´m using Vue 7, I think there´s not radiosity on earlier versions. -
Bayazit Oguz Ayoglu posted an update in the group
Design Technology 15 years ago
I’ve just seen them, nice works… Can u give some clue about the render times?
Fabio Torlai posted an update in the group
Design Technology 15 years ago
Bayazit Oguz Ayoglu posted an update in the group
Design Technology 15 years ago
Fabio Hi,
I can’t see the renders, is there problem with my connection or attachment, would you please send’em again or give a link instead 😉
Bayazit Oguz Ayoglu posted an update in the group
Design Technology 15 years ago
Hi Rfox,
I know that Vue Xstream is coming with a plug-in that helps integration with Max (it also gives chance to use Vue’s render engine in Max). But I haven’t had a chance to try it yet.
So, no I haven’t used any plug-in. I’ve created the plants in Vue and exported them via standard Vue export tools with maps & UVW Coordinates. These tools…[Read more]
Ryland Fox posted an update in the group
Design Technology 15 years ago
I like the plant library in vue and the ability to populate large areas, but it would be hard to get into a firm, so expensive and importing other geometries isn’t the best. I just like messing with it.
Are the 3d and 4th using the vue/3d max plug in? I haven’t really gone into it that far yet but it seems good.
Ryland Fox posted an update in the group
Design Technology 15 years, 3 months ago
Is anybody using VUE? It is pretty good though most materials would have to be custom made. Good interface with Max and is import/export.
Dawid Magiera posted an update in the group
COMPETITIONS – ongoing 15 years, 4 months ago
Marking of Georgetown – Ideas Competition
The State Government of Penang, Malaysia invites submissions for an international competition for design ideas to physically brand the historic city of George Town, Penang in conjunction with its listing as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008.
Design category: Marking of Public Space
Using available p…[
Dawid Magiera posted an update in the group
COMPETITIONS – ongoing 15 years, 4 months ago
The Land Art Generator Initiative Dubai is the artworld’s responsible answer to the question: “What comes after oil?”
The designs should be considered first and foremost as Land Art Installations. The considerations for energy generation should come in a close second. What this means is that the installations are art first, power plants sec…[Read more] -
Dawid Magiera posted an update in the group
COMPETITIONS – ongoing 15 years, 4 months ago
The International Garden Festival-Canada is preparing its eleventh edition and is issuing a call for proposals to select designers who will create temporary gardens to be presented from June 26 to October 3, 2010 on the site of Les Jardins de Métis / Reford Gardens. This call for proposals is open to all landscape architects, architects,…[Read more]
Vladimir Sitta posted an update in the group
COMPETITIONS – ongoing 15 years, 4 months ago
You can still try famous festival in Chaumont.
Go here:http://www.domaine-chaumont.fr/pdf/Avis-de-consultation-GB.pdf
Ryland Fox posted an update in the group
Design Technology 15 years, 4 months ago
I just got Revit and am starting to play around with it. Has anybody started to use it? I might have to take a training course though. We will see.
Also started playing with Maya’s MEL scripting. I got a book called “MEL Scripting for Animators” which is really good so far but slow to get through.
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