Forum Replies Created
March 9, 2010 at 8:02 pm #171080
Barbara A. Yaeger, PLA, ASLA, CANP
June 11, 2009 at 6:13 pm #174578Barbara A. Yaeger, PLA, ASLA, CANP
ParticipantI have been having clients ask for edible landscapes-but I am guessing they are in the wealthiest 10%
April 3, 2009 at 4:21 pm #174628Barbara A. Yaeger, PLA, ASLA, CANP
ParticipantI agree with Mr Davidson
If you work for someone-they pay you and you develop a network of people-you did that at the company you worked for expense. Now it helps if you have talent and are great to work with. But remember the company you worked for GAVE you that opportuniity. Thats another reason to carefully pick your employer if you have options! (I do not want to sound like the company gives you everything-but think about it in the context of YOUR company-and if it were YOUR employee instead of you being the employee.)
I REALLY reccommend you get involved in any professional organizations you can-it is a GREAT way to network, learn more about the profession and make a name for yourself. When you’re a low ranking employee no one really sees your name. But if you volunteer for your professional organization-and really help out your name gets out EVERY where!
Thanks for the legal thought- I never knew about the possibility of onwership of my work OUTside of my work. OUCH sometime it’s soo ugly out there.
If you really feel like you want to reap all the rewards right away-start you own company! Find a good lawyer, good accountant and ask them for an hour of their time initially to go through business 101. It was a great help!
Starting on your own is bit of paperwork,a lot of worry, some monwy-but they can not lay you off!!
April 3, 2009 at 12:23 am #174631Barbara A. Yaeger, PLA, ASLA, CANP
ParticipantI work for a company where they have a no Moonlighting policy. Which they tell me has more to do with liability than competition-but they do not want you taking work from the firm either. And it is very tempting to use their equipement etc to work on a side jobs.
As they recently cut my hours , they are now allowing me to do side work-but I have my own company with liability insurance, LLC etc.
I am working to get my 2 years experience then my license and they know that. They get my talent cheap for a few years, I get to learn A LOT!.Remember that you are getting paid more then the monetary value of the time spent-you are learning what you need to have your own company. Pay attention and you’ll learn A LOT about what you will want to do and not want to do when your the big bucks boss!! Business is not as easy as it appears.
But look at it from the bosses point of view-are you going to work harder for them while your working hard for your self?
Good Luck! Have Fun-life is short….
March 5, 2009 at 8:37 pm #174902Barbara A. Yaeger, PLA, ASLA, CANP
ParticipantI am not from an urban area-but suburban. We have a lot have oak forest, rock and sand (we are near the shore) I assist with the town’s community garden which is situated on on old farm that was donated to the town.We have had increasing requests for plots in the last few years.I sense that is both financially and socially driven.
People really want to connect with their neighbors and the atmosphere of asking for and sharing knowledge in such a wonderful physical place creates instant frienships. Meeting in a space that is owned by us all and worked by our own hands builds stonger bonds. I have noticed that most of the people are young middle age to retired. I have not seen alot of young people in the garden other than people who bring their childern. I wonder why 20 and early 30’s seem less interested-or it may be the demographics of my town!
And I agree with the idea that people are concerned about where their food is coming from. I have heard concerns expressed about this-and if the large processors of food really care about food saftey and the environement.
December 5, 2008 at 6:55 pm #176519Barbara A. Yaeger, PLA, ASLA, CANP
ParticipantSmall lawns are great. And there are so many choices of seed and plant types now. I do not confine lawns to just grass-I consider it more of a walkable plant plane (or plain!)
I have used the “No-Mow” IN Connecticut but find that it really needs mowing the first 2 years at least 4 times to get it really thick. I have a small patch of Carex pensylvanica-bit I agree that cutting it totally ruins the look -which reminds me of grass growing in flowing water!!.November 20, 2008 at 5:52 pm #176301Barbara A. Yaeger, PLA, ASLA, CANP
ParticipantSome true some not. I look at the restrictions as challenges. And life and business are all about risk. If you are totally afraid of lawsuits-you should not even drive your car! I have found that working towards getting my license has introduced me to some great people and companies.
I spent 12 years working in the Nursery and related industries before going back to school for my BS-LA I have met some Landscape Designers who are very talented, exciting people to work with-but the best DO NOT disrespect LAs. They are mature enough to see the personal and professional choices people make and the advantages of each.
Take some time to visit both-Most companies and professionals are VERY open to students use this time to your advantage.
When you get out in the work world you will be viewed either as a potential employee or potential competitor-RIght now you have got the best opportunity!!!! Go for it
That particular teacher sounds very bitter-don’t let it rub off on you!November 14, 2008 at 6:57 pm #176840Barbara A. Yaeger, PLA, ASLA, CANP
ParticipantIt is just the worst professional organization experience I have had. I feel like it’s some kind of “barrier to entry” not the knowlege-but the administrative process. They should supply a simple check list with what needs to be completed-and by when.
Some one from there told me it’s the state boards responsibility- In this day and age of computers PLEASE coordinate.I am looking forward to their “new and improved system”
November 13, 2008 at 3:24 pm #176676Barbara A. Yaeger, PLA, ASLA, CANP
ParticipantHere’s the graphics
November 13, 2008 at 3:20 pm #176677Barbara A. Yaeger, PLA, ASLA, CANP
ParticipantI agree with the simple sketch for the client (even for someone with mediocre hand graphic skill!)
– the plan made the sitting wall look flat-but the sketch helped them see itNovember 13, 2008 at 2:50 am #176325Barbara A. Yaeger, PLA, ASLA, CANP
ParticipantWhen working on commercial approvals in small towns it’s hand graphics over a computer base. Commissions trust a computer based graphic-but the hand coloring makes it seem human scaled