Ben Hale replied to the topic High Maintenance Artificial Landscapes. in the forum STORY BOARD 9 years, 10 months ago
I understand many of the points presented here.
From Alan’s point of view – there are many designs being touted as ‘sustainable’ when in reality they man not be so. Instead, they appear to and may actually have certain ‘sustainable’ features, but as a whole may be very resource intensive. From my limited understanding of how High Line was c…[Read more] -
Ben Hale replied to the topic What books do you feel are "Must have" books for any landscape architect? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 9 years, 10 months ago
I would have to echo ‘Landscape Design: A Cultural and Architectural History’ by Elizabeth Barlow Rogers. A great comprehensive resource for understanding what influenced design of landscapes throughout the ages, and how multi-dimensional are designs of the present. Also would echo as stated before, ‘Design with Nature’ by Ian McHarg.If i…[Read more]