Bria Sativa Aguayo replied to the topic Best Project Log/Scheduling Software? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
Hi Brian,
In case you haven’t found something yet I know someone who uses Intuitive Time Tracking http://www.officetime.net/ for keeping track of activities and clients. I am not sure if ITT is what you are looking for, otherwise I vote for Excel too.
Bria Sativa Aguayo
http://www.briadesigns.net -
Bria Sativa Aguayo replied to the topic Art Benches in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 1 month ago
This definitely sounds interesting. I guess I would want to know more about the project and it’s cause to know completely. Is it for public beautification?
Saying that, In my experience 2k-10k would be a round about retail (depending, like Clay said) but I would thing there are artists that would be willing to do a project for a lower rate for the…[Read more] -
Bria Sativa Aguayo replied to the topic Union! Union! Union? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 3 months ago