Bruno Marques

  • Witam, Czy ktoś z was ma doświadczenie jak wyceniać prace projektowe ogrodów na dachu ok. 150 m2 ? W projekt wchodziłaby cała koncepcja zagospodarowania, dobór roślin, tarasy, ścieżki, oczko wodne pergola oraz nadzór nad realizacją.

  • I wouldn’t advise on turning up in UAE and expecting to get a job, there are a lot of people who are out of work. Please send through your CV to me and I’ll keep you informed of vacancies in the region

  • Thank u Haris for invited me to join this group.. ^^

  • Mayra E. Vázquez posted an update in the group Group logo of Student LoungeStudent Lounge 14 years ago

    Hello everyone, I’m ‘surviving’ the Masters in LA program at the Polytechinic University of Puerto Rico.

    I have more more class to go, the thesis… uggg. Hopefully I will graduate in May 2011.

    I’m looking forward to help and get help from all of you.

    Take care. :))

  • Lane Frank Lau posted an update in the group Group logo of Asia LandscapeAsia Landscape 14 years ago

    hi~`I come from Zhejiang province, I have been in Shenzhen 3years, Now I am working in Hangzhou,Welcome to Hangzhou~~

  • To trzeba było dorzucić jeszcze “tereny zielone” 😉

    Na ostatniej konferencji urzędniczka sama o sobie mówiła “zieleniarka” zatem chyba się przyjęło. Ja swego czasu w jednej pracowni arch. byłam zwana “bylinarką” 😉

  • tak właśnie 😉 to miałem na myśli hm… chciałem sprawdzić czy uczestnicy forum uważnie czytają tekst postów 😛

  • Sandra M. posted an update in the group Group logo of Middle East LandscapeMiddle East Landscape 14 years ago

    Hello Agnes Sophia! The best for you is to come to the UAE and look at the spot. Though that there is a lot of available professionals at the market seems that previous UAE or ME experience is critical. Be focused and persistent and certainly you will find something sooner or later. Good luck!

  • ASophia Borkowska posted an update in the group Group logo of Middle East LandscapeMiddle East Landscape 14 years ago

    Hello, like few other persons I joined this group beacause I’m interested in working at UAE and maybe here is someone who could help me to find a contact there, give any sugestions where I should look for, or could recommended to me any company etc.
    Thanks a lot 🙂

  • started a new Forum in this group where you can add your contact information. The idea is to have a page where the Spanish landscape architects can post their details (city, email, tf, and web page, photo, …). I post mine like example but is an open format. If somebody has a best idea to have an on-line page with actual information about us is welcome.

  • Trudno mi się wypowiadać ponieważ nie znam założeń konkursu i idei którymi kierowali się twórcy. Zastanawia mnie natomiast dowolność projektantów przy kreacji przestrzeni parkowych od historyzujących do nowoczesnych. Nie widać w nich uwzględnienia jakichkolwiek wytycznych konserwatorskich, a jest to XIX wieczny pałac otoczony dawnym (zabytko…[Read more]

  • Dave Breiter posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 1 month ago

    I’m really stumped on the whole photo match feature in SU. I have a project where I need to show a new streetscape design meshed with a photo of the existing street and I can’t for the life of me get photo match to work right. I have viewed several of the tutorial videos on YouTube but I am just not able to get the origin or the axis to come out…[Read more]

  • Cliff See posted an update in the group Group logo of Asia LandscapeAsia Landscape 14 years, 1 month ago

    hi guys from usa.. joined this group too!… would enjoy working with modern designs and developments in asia.

  • Zach Watson posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 1 month ago

    Daniel, I just got your book today, briefly looking through it I’m excited to work my way through it. I was surprised to see that the model that you used in the Sandbox Webinar was not in there. I’m assuming and hopefully there is another section in the book that covers the principles that you did in that webinar because I was not able to attend…[Read more]

  • Jack C. Myers posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks for the fast response. It was very helpful. I looked through a lot of helpful plugins and ruby scripts that will be useful. I don’t know who Andrew is. So, I can’t contact him. On another note, what is the script/plugin that automatically fills in the space between CAD lines with plains?

    BTW, I ordered your book & will get it soon.…[Read more]

  • Jack C. Myers posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 2 months ago

    Can anyone tell me how I can view the webinars presented by Daniel Tal for Land8Lounge in July? I saw one of them and I want to watch it again. Also, Daniel gave a list of plug-ins that he recommends. That would be helpful.

  • Steven Bauer posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 2 months ago

    I’m about to purchase a computer and trying to decide on a laptop. I want to run SketchUp to show progress on their projects. Anyone have a suggestion on the speed, graphic cards that I should use? I’m considering the I5 Mac Pro laptop. I’m also considering a desktop. Again, does anyone have a suggestion on the power and graphic card to use for…[Read more]

  • Zach Watson posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 2 months ago

    I think you need a plugin that you have to pay for if you have 3DS Max 2010 but I have a student version of 2011 and that does come with the capability to open a .skp file.

  • Zach Watson posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 2 months ago

    Sarayut, if you apply your materials, turn on the shadows to get the correct sun exposer, and place your rendering views in sketchup, save the file, you can open the model in 3DS Max you can press C and you will open a drop down menu that will direct you to pick one of the camera positions and then just render the view and everything will turn out…[Read more]

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