Dean "Mack" McKenzie replied to the topic Why is Public Art Typicly Extremely Abstract? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 6 months ago
Thank you all for your comments and ideas. I has been great to see what others are thinking!!
Dean "Mack" McKenzie replied to the topic What should the goal of the Landscape Architect be on the project team? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 8 months ago
I don’t know about other people’s experience, but for myself I have seen that all three of the groups you mentioned have egos. I have seen Architects, Engineers, and LA’s that all want to be in charge. So what has worked for me is to see who is writing the checks, who brought you to the table? Then an open and frank conversation is all that is…[Read more]
Dean "Mack" McKenzie posted an update in the group
BUSINESS HELPS 16 years, 5 months ago
One more question….E&O is this something needed forever? If I do a job today do I have to carry it till I die or is there a statute of limitations?
Can it be obtained on a month to month or by job basis? -
Dean "Mack" McKenzie posted an update in the group
BUSINESS HELPS 16 years, 5 months ago
I wanted to add a comment/question.
I have seen serveral diffrent ways to approch contracts and proposals. One way is keep it very simple, the other it to complicate it to the point of needed a harvard law degree to understand the contract.
The questing I have is where is the middle ground? I don’t want to be too simple, miss something and then be…[Read more] -
Dean "Mack" McKenzie posted an update in the group
DESIGN 16 years, 7 months ago
Something that moves people, makes them stop and think “I wish I could do that, But even though I can’t… I am glad some one did it for me.”