Donal Oldaker replied to the topic What do you think about "Draftsight" an alternative CAD Software? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 14 years, 1 month ago
It is taking me some time to get use to the little details that is different then AutoCAD. I have been jumping projects back and forth to see how things work. In general I found it identical and my learning curve has been so smaller since I already know AutoCAD. When trying to learn other CAD program (like Vectorworks) in the past I always hit w…[Read more]
Donal Oldaker replied to the topic To Trace or Ray Trace-Are we helped or handcuffed by technology? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 2 months ago
Great advice!
Thank you
Donal Oldaker replied to the topic To Trace or Ray Trace-Are we helped or handcuffed by technology? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 2 months ago
Here is my two cents. As my studio counts down the weeks till we are thrown into the real world, we are all asking each other what style do we want to learn to represent our ideas. One student is a master of trace and color pencils – the professor told her she is old fashion. Another student is experimenting with V-ray and Sketch up – and another…[Read more]