Philip (PJ) Benenati posted an update in the group Green Streets 16 years ago
Well I’ll be honest, I’m very jealous of what you are able to get approved out on the west coast. As of now we seem to be a bit behind the curve but we’re trying to at least catch up with you.
The majority of our office work is around the Washington D.C. metropolitan area (including northern VA and Maryland) and each municipality seems to be at…[Read more]
Philip (PJ) Benenati posted an update in the group Green Streets 16 years ago
Well in Australia they use a broader term Water Sensitive Urban Design, as opposed to LID, which refers to 3 areas of water management (Potable Water, Waste Water and Stormwater) and how my effecting one of these you have the potential to effect the others. For instance, by reusing stormwater to irrigate landscape or flush toilets, we also reduce…[Read more]
Lisa Town posted an update in the group Green Streets 16 years ago
Philip – that sounds really awesome! I’m looking forward to hearing what was shared, not only from a green streets perspective but would love to hear all about what you are doing in Australia with regards to water design.
Philip (PJ) Benenati posted an update in the group Green Streets 16 years ago
Hi everyone. My name is PJ Benenati and I ‘m with EDAW in Alexandria, VA. I look forward to talking with you all and sharing ideas.
Our offices in Australia have been incorporating LID into the landscape for some time now. An environmental firm, called Ecological Engineering, joined with EDAW nearly 4 years ago and is now working mainly out of…[Read more]
Kenn Bates, ASLA posted an update in the group Ball State University Alumni 16 years, 2 months ago
How about them Cardinals! 10-0 baby! Wohoo!
Kenn Bates, ASLA posted an update in the group Florida Chapter ASLA 16 years, 2 months ago
Hey, everyone. Let’s get some discussions going. I’ve noticed that the top 5 active groups are always displayed on the main Lounge page. It would be cool to have this group always active and highlighted. Please, feel free to start your own discussions, no need to wait for me.
Edward Flaherty posted an update in the group Florida Chapter ASLA 16 years, 2 months ago
The Sunshine State…searching for that perfect orange.
Jim Davis posted an update in the group Ball State University 16 years, 3 months ago
It was good to see alot of you Ball Staters out in Philadelphia!