Falon Mihalic

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  • #154629
    Falon Mihalic

    Thank you very much for the helpful links. I love studying my Florida plants, and I’ve even been intrigued by the irrigation study material. Thanks for being encouraging. Now, back to the books!

    Falon Mihalic

    SRTS is a fantastic program with federal funding. I used to work for the Active Transportation Alliance in Chicago, IL- they have great SRTS info on their site: http://www.activetrans.org/saferoutes and the SRTS National group has tons of resources on their site: http://www.saferoutesinfo.org/

    In terms of adding bike lanes, the program should be comprehensive to include facilities (bike lanes, bike parking, sidewalk improvements, etc.) in addition to programming (social marketing, incentives, participation in the National Bike and Walk to School day, etc.) Active Transportation Alliance has written many many plans for suburban towns and individual schools throughout the Midwest. You can view full PDFs of some of their plans here: http://www.activetrans.org/south-suburban-program

    Also, look at Bike Boulevards in Portland, Oregon for examples of bike priority streets in residential areas.
    Feel free to shoot me a message to continue the conversation. I would be glad to put you in touch with some of the SRTS experts I know. (By the way, the New Urbanist standards are more in favor of traffic calming instead of on-street bike facilities so that bikes can ride as “vehicles”. However, the vehicular cycling philosophy doesn’t work so great with 10 year olds. That’s another topic for another day!)

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