MANNISI ALBAN – SEIWOOO – ZZAC posted an update in the group
Asia Landscape 17 years ago
I A French LAndscape Architect recently installed in Tokyo.
let’s see if there’s some people on this web site from here.
A -
Brandon Reed, CVO, ASLA / Rooftop and Urban Designer / Landscape Architect posted an update in the group
DESIGN 17 years ago
Maybe I shouldn’t greatest designer cause it is very subjective….How about who is your favorite designer……I would have to Jeffery Gordon Smith is a pretty great designer….He is a member of our group…You should check out his work…..
Brandon Reed, CVO, ASLA / Rooftop and Urban Designer / Landscape Architect posted an update in the group
DESIGN 17 years ago
Very nice! I thought I was the greatest designer on the planet…..hehehehehe…j/k….
I will say…..Burle Marx maybe…..
Brandon Reed, CVO, ASLA / Rooftop and Urban Designer / Landscape Architect posted an update in the group
Graphics Teacher Workshops 17 years ago
Anyone attend Richards Perspective Sketching and using his techniques that would care to show off their work?
Brandon Reed, CVO, ASLA / Rooftop and Urban Designer / Landscape Architect posted an update in the group
Graphics Teacher Workshops 17 years ago
Go to http://www.graphicsteacher.com….He has a list of workshops and dates associated on there…..
Brandon Reed, CVO, ASLA / Rooftop and Urban Designer / Landscape Architect posted an update in the group
DESIGN 17 years ago
Who is the greatest designer of all time besides the obvious answer of Olmsted….?
Brent Farrar posted an update in the group
Graphics Teacher Workshops 17 years ago
Where might I find a list of upcoming workshops?
Rico Flor posted an update in the group
Graphics 17 years ago
Hello Victoria.
About digital watercolors, try this link
http://betaforum.sketchup.com/showthread.php?t=47779and links connected to this discussion. You have to be a member of the SketchUp Forum though, it fyou can’t access the discussion directly.
Brandon Reed, CVO, ASLA / Rooftop and Urban Designer / Landscape Architect posted an update in the group
Graphics Teacher Workshops 17 years ago
Hi Mark!
The reason I started this group was allow a place for people to comment and share ideas regarding past graphics workshops……more specifically, http://www.graphicsteacher.com
I think that graphics workshops are very important to improving graphic communication skills…..graphics are not only beautiful when done right but communicate an…[Read more]
Mark Simmons posted an update in the group
Graphics Teacher Workshops 17 years ago
I’ve never attended a graphics workshop, but it seems like it might be really helpful, considering there’s not a lot of drawing/sketching training in school. Anyone have any thoughts if it’s worth spending the money and time on a graphics workshop?
Shawn Wilson posted an update in the group
Graphics 17 years ago
Tatiana, the best method I found effective is to collect 50% up front then final payment before you release documents/drawings. Let them know up front and in most cases they will be OK with that. When You call them to tell them their project is finished, tell them you will email or fax the invoice to them and to bring it and the payment when they…[Read more]
Graham Johnstone posted an update in the group
Asia Landscape 17 years ago
Re-think that water feature?
Tatiana Jones posted an update in the group
Graphics 17 years ago
How do you deal with a client who was in a hurry to get a project into his hands, but now is far behind with payment?
Andrew O'Neill posted an update in the group
Graphics 17 years ago
Great Group Brandon!
Tatiana Jones posted an update in the group
Graphics 17 years ago
Hello everybody. I’m new to this group.
I’m doing 3D renderings for living. We use Rhino (favorite), Chief Architect and Photoshop.
What does Travis want to know about computer renderings? -
Michael E. McGuire, OALA posted an update in the group
Graphics 17 years ago
I think I’m gonna’ like it in here! Anybody working in the MacOS environment with plan graphics & colour rendering?
Ryland Fox posted an update in the group
Graphics 17 years ago
You can get Piranesi for watercolour effects.
Victoria Solis Pauwels posted an update in the group
Graphics 17 years ago
i want learn to colouring like watercolor in Photoshop, any ideas?
Gabriel Hydrick posted an update in the group
DESIGN 17 years ago
For me great design is:
1. Creating memory places
2. Creating a sense of place (genus loci)
3. Guardian of identity
4. Interest of users health, safety and welfare
What Mack mentioned is true for me as one who has had the experience on both sides, as the one to experience and admire and the one to create -
Dean "Mack" McKenzie posted an update in the group
DESIGN 17 years ago
Something that moves people, makes them stop and think “I wish I could do that, But even though I can’t… I am glad some one did it for me.”
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