Hazel Borys replied to the topic Different Take on Planning/Smart Growth in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 8 months ago
My pleasure, Nick. I should add that currently, the criteria for getting in this SmartCode and other form-based codes study is to meet the FBCI criteria for form-based codes:
1. Is the code’s focus primarily on regulating urban form and less on land use?
2. Does the code emphasize standards and parameters for form with predictable physical…[Read more]
Hazel Borys replied to the topic Different Take on Planning/Smart Growth in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 8 months ago
Hey, Nick, you might find this study of most of the other places undertaking similar character-based zoning helpful to you. As you make changes, please note them in red, and send it back to me at hazel@placemakers.com. Cheers!