Heather Barber replied to the topic L.A.R.E. – COMPLAINTS AND PETITION FOR CHANGE….. in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 15 years, 2 months ago
I am completely with you on this. Change has got to be a driving force if the profession is to evolve and adapt to the current demands. I too am beyond the point of utter rage with the archaic, profit driven way this test is administered(handed down rather) and I am seriously entertaining the notion of dropping ASLA and the profession as a whole…[Read more]
Heather Barber replied to the topic LARE TESTING HOAX!? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 15 years, 11 months ago
The whole LARE is a mess. I seem to be in the same boat as many who have commented and it seems to me to be an endless hemorrhaging of funds to no avail. The multiple choice examinations were not completely relevant, but negotiable. I am struggling with the graphics portions of the exams which happen to be my strengths in practice. Yes, the 30%…[Read more]