Helen Buckle replied to the topic What's your favorite Job Interview Question? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 11 years, 6 months ago
I did some quick sketches and wrote a limerick about a wheelbarrow. Then I attempted to fold a piece of paper into something that resembled an ironing board. I think the alien would’ve been baffled but it worked for me – I was offered the job 🙂
Helen Buckle replied to the topic What's your favorite Job Interview Question? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 11 years, 6 months ago
At one interview I was presented with sheets of blank paper, coloured pens and pencils and asked: “pretend you have to describe a wheelbarrow and an ironing board to an alien.”
I was slightly taken aback but on reflection I think this is a great interview question. Whether you choose to write a description, sketch a scenario, fold the paper into a…[Read more]